Love Live! SIF Series Fan Festival 2022 Countdown Campaign Part1

Special Login Bonus
Items will be delivered to those who log in during the available period.

Love Live! SIF Series Fan Festival 2022 Countdown Login Bonus

■ Available Period
From h:00 on M/D until 23:59 on M/D JST.

■ Details
Every day: Scouting Coupon x1

Time Limited Scouting



Special Pack


New Items Added to the Sticker Shop

■ Available Period
From 16:00 on 9/15 until 14:59 on 10/5 JST.

■ Details
▼ UF Sticker exchange eligible member(s)
・UR Rin Hoshizora [Endless Summer] *Not autographed
・UR Mari Ohara [Secret Beach] *Not autographed
・UR Eli Ayase [Endless Summer] *Not autographed
・UR Kotori Minami [Endless Summer] *Not autographed
・UR You Watanabe [Secret Beach] *Not autographed
・UR Hanamaru Kunikida [Secret Beach] *Not autographed
・UR Maki Nishikino [Endless Summer] *Not autographed
・UR Riko Sakurauchi [Secret Beach] *Not autographed
・UR Honoka Kosaka [SIF 9th Anniversary (Festival) costume] *Not autographed
・UR Chika Takami [SIF 9th Anniversary (Festival) costume] *Not autographed
・UR Ayumu Uehara [SIF 9th Anniversary (Festival) costume] *Not autographed
・UR Kanon Shibuya [SIF 9th Anniversary (Festival) costume] *Not autographed
・UR Honoka Kosaka [Countdown Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Eli Ayase [Countdown Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Kotori Minami [Countdown Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Umi Sonoda [Countdown Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Rin Hoshizora [Countdown Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Maki Nishikino [Countdown Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Nozomi Tojo [Countdown Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Hanayo Koizumi [Countdown Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Nico Yazawa [Countdown Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Chika Takami [New Year’s Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Riko Sakurauchi [New Year’s Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Kanan Matsuura [New Year’s Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Dia Kurosawa [New Year’s Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR You Watanabe [New Year’s Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Yoshiko Tsushima [New Year’s Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Hanamaru Kunikida [New Year’s Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Mari Ohara [New Year’s Live Show] *Not autographed
・UR Ruby Kurosawa [New Year’s Live Show] *Not autographed

*Visit the Sticker Shop for more information during the available period.

Twitter Post Campaign
Post on Twitter from the in-game banner during the available period and receive an item!

■ Available Period
From h:00 on M/D until h:59 on M/D JST.

■ Reward
Love Gem x1

■ How to Apply
1. Tap the banner in the Home screen.
2. Tap OK in the confirmation window.
3. Log in to Twitter from the external browser or the Twitter app that boots up, then post.

■ Note(s)
・You must go through the banner in the Home screen to be eligible.
・You can only post and receive a reward once. The banner will disappear once the process is complete.
・This function is for posting only. Please have a Twitter account ready.
・When logged into Twitter, some characters may appear garbled when trying to post.
If this occurs, please go back to the Home screen while still logged into Twitter, and try posting from the banner again.

We hope you continue to enjoy Love Live! School Idol Festival.